Upcoming Events

To each and everyone,

Good news has come forth – under the guidance of our bishop and in sync with our governor’s recommendation that houses of worship may open, our bishop has granted us permission to reopen!  Our first Mass will be celebrated at 5 pm on Saturday, May 30!  The Sunday Mass schedule remains the same – 8:15 and 11 am.  Although the bishop granted permission to open as early as May 23, I have chosen the later date so that the procedures given by the bishop may be implemented for the safety and health of anyone coming to worship with us.  Specific cleaning procedures need to be in place prior to reopening and to be followed after each and every Mass.

Volunteers are most definitely needed.  So far a number of parishioners have stepped forth to help so that our parish can reopen.  Following the re-opening, cleaning procedures need to be in place after each Mass until the pandemic is nearly gone.

Please be understanding and patient…  You will notice that as you walk toward the main entrance of our parish, yellow tape is on the sidewalks to mark off social distancing of 6 feet from each other.  Please be attentive to following social distancing as you have already been following in supermarkets, walking in general and so forth.  As you enter church, persons will sanitize your hands.

Masks are required unless for a medical or disabling condition.  The usher will escort you to your seat…..Within the celebration of the Mass, the following will be followed:

Families can sit closer together, anyone else in pew must maintain 6 feet

Priest will not walk down the aisle

Masks must be worn throughout the Mass

No altar servers, no organist, no singing

No Sign of Peace

No communion by the cup

Communion in the hand only – to be distributed at the end of Mass

Each person will social distance by the yellow markers to receive Communion and exit by the side entrance

A basket will be provided for you to drop your parish support envelopes as you move to receive communion

Parish bulletins will be available at the exit door as you leave

Bishop Rozanski has extended the dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday

Mass even after we reopen out of an abundance of caution for the most vulnerable and the most susceptible to contract the virus.  Finally, all other parish gatherings are not allowed.  To enable me to communicate with you electronically, please email me your e-mail address to:  holyfamily@russellma.net.

Looking forward to seeing you.  Even though we will be masked together, remember that is to help one another to gather together as one united family in the Lord.

Stay safe.  We are here for each other.

Blessings and love,

Fr. Ron